Fox River Watershed Investigation - Publication Details

Draft Sequoit Creek Watershed Management Plan

Lake County Stormwater Management Commission, 2003,

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This report is summarizes the findings and recommendations from the watershed management plan the Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) developed for the Sequoit Creek watershed. The Sequoit Creek watershed is part of the Fox River watershed, one of the four main watersheds in Lake County, Illinois. The Sequoit Creek watershed covers about 14 square miles and is home to a population of about 18,000 residents. The primary goal of developing the watershed management plan was address concerns about flooding problems, water quality conditions, threats to natural resources, diminishing open spaces, and the need to take proactive action to prevent such problems from worsening as the watershed continues to rapidly urbanize. In addition, the Sequoit Creek watershed is unique compared to the other watersheds in the county because of its high-quality lakes and natural resources. SMC therefore identified the Sequoit Creek watershed as a priority for developing a watershed management plan. A watershed management plan specifies actions for achieving this goal. The process of developing the Sequoit Creek watershed management plan involved three main tasks: • Developing goals and objectives with stakeholder input • Assessing problems and opportunities • Developing a watershed action plan

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