Fox River Watershed Investigation - Publication Details
Nutrients and Suspended Solids in Surface Waters of the Upper Illinois River Basin in Illinis, Indiana, and Wisconsin, 1978-1997
Sullivan, Daniel J., 2000, Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4275
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A retrospective analysis of selected data on
nutrients and suspended solids in surface waters of
the upper Illinois River Basin was done as part of
the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National
Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program.
Approximately 91 percent of the upper Illinois
River Basin is drained by three principal rivers: the
Kankakee (and its major tributary, the Iroquois),
the Des Plaines, and the Fox. The data analyzed
were collected by the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency (IEPA), which operates 39 monitoring
sites in the study area as part of its Ambient
Water-Quality Monitoring Network, and included
analyses for total ammonia nitrogen, total nitriteplus-
nitrate nitrogen, total ammonia-plus-organic
(total Kjeldahl) nitrogen, dissolved and total phosphorus,
and total suspended solids and volatile solids.
Nutrient and suspended-sediment data
collected by the USGS as part of the upper Illinois
River Basin NAWQA pilot study from 1987–90
were compared to IEPA data.
For the 1978–97 period, in general, nutrient
concentrations, with the exception of nitrate, were
highest at streams in the urban areas of the Des
Plaines River Basin. Streams in the Kankakee and
Fox River Basins generally had lower concentrations,
although the data indicate that concentrations
increased in a downstream direction in these
basins. These spatial patterns in nutrient concentrations
correspond closely with land use in the
respective basins. The elevated concentrations of
ammonia and phosphorus in the urbanized Des
Plaines River Basin, with respect to other sites in
the study area, indicate that municipal- and industrial-
waste discharges into streams of the basin
increase concentrations of these nutrients in the
receiving streams. In contrast, nitrate concentrations
were highest in agricultural areas. Relatively
large ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus and nitrate to
ammonia are characteristic of agricultural drainage.
On the other hand, urban tributaries were characterized
by smaller ratios of nitrogen to
phosphorus and nitrate to ammonia. The apparent,
but nonuniform, correspondence of nutrient concentrations
to urban and agricultural land use in the
upper Illinois River Basin was generally consistent
with findings in other river basins. A seasonal pattern
of nutrient concentrations characterized by
high concentrations in the winter months, depletion
during the spring and summer, and minimum levels
in the late summer or early fall was observed in
some of the data from the upper Illinois River
Basin. Monthly median concentrations of total
ammonia nitrogen and nitrite plus nitrate nitrogen
were at minimum levels from July through October,
whereas phosphorus concentrations did not
display a strong seasonal trend.
The net result of nutrient inputs and transport
through the river system were elevated nutrient
concentrations at the most-downstream site in the
study area on the Illinois River. At this site, the
median concentrations of nitrate, total phosphorus,
and orthophosphate were among the highest in the
Mississippi River Basin, and the concentration of
ammonia was the highest.
Suspended-solids concentrations do not indicate
any particularly strong spatial patterns among
major river basins in the study area. Instead, higher
suspended-solids concentrations are observed at
sites draining areas of low-permeability, easily
eroded soils in agricultural and urban areas alike.
Seasonal variation of suspended solids were consistent
at sites across the study area. In general, suspended-
solids concentrations were highest in the summer and lowest in the winter. The increase during
the summer can be attributed to higher streamflow
and the associated increase in runoff and
transport, as well as increased phytoplankton
Because of the high nutrient concentrations
in the upper Illinois River Basin, annual loads and
yields also were relatively large; however, yields of
phosphorus from the Fox and Kankakee River
Basins were not unusually high. The major contributor
of total ammonia nitrogen, total Kjeldahl
nitrogen, and phosphorus loads to the total studyarea
output was the Des Plaines River Basin, the
Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in particular. The
high concentrations in this waterway, coupled with
the relatively high volume of streamflow, contribute
to the large load output. The high loads in the
Ship Canal reflect the input from the three large
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of
Greater Chicago treatment plants. In contrast,
nitrate loads were higher from the agricultural
Kankakee River Basin. Total suspended-solids
loads were also greatest from agricultural areas, in
particular the Iroquois River Basin and tributaries
to the lower Fox River. These are areas of intensive
row-crop agriculture and fine, easily erodable soils.
The total nitrogen export from the upper Illinois
River Basin for 1978–97 was 91,800 ton/yr
(tons per year). This figure corresponds well with
estimates of loads from urban, agricultural, and
other sources, and is about 30 percent of the estimated
total nitrogen input to the basin of about
300,000 ton/yr. The total phosphorus export from
the study area during 1978–97 was about
5,400 ton/yr, or about 6 percent of estimated phosphorus
inputs of 94,000 ton/yr. Loads and yields of
nutrients from the upper Illinois River Basin are
among the very highest in the entire Mississippi
River drainage system.
Significant downward trends in total-ammonia
concentrations were observed at many sites
during the period of analysis, along with correlative
upward trends in nitrate. This opposite relation
is consistent with the reversible capacity for transformation
between the reduced form (ammonia)
and the oxidized form (nitrate), and may be related
to nitrification of wastewater effluents. Significant
downward trends in total ammonia plus organic
nitrogen were related to downward trends in
ammonia concentrations. Few trends in phosphorus
concentrations were observed, but upward
trends were observed at 2 sites downstream of
major wastewater-treatment plants.
Data Record Period: 1978-1997
Data Record Notes: 1978-1997 (IEPA, 39 sites, 6-w int.), 1987-1990 (USGS)
Model Name: Loading calculation (ESTIMATOR), trend analysis (ETREND)
Model Types: Statistical
Potential Issues: median TP > 0.0725 mg/L (except Poplar Cr. in Elgin), median TN > 2.95 mg/L
Screening Criteria: EPA's recommended nutrient criteria for TP and TN
Data Sources: IEPA,USGS
Features: River/Stream
Parameters: Ammonia, total; Ammonia, un-ionized; Dissolved solid, total; Kjeldahl N; Nitrate+Nitrite; Nitrogen, total; Phosphorous, dissolved; Phosphorus, total; Suspended sediment
Sites - IEPA Station(USGS Station): DT06(5550000), DT09(5551000), DT22(5549600), DT35(5546700), DT38(5551540), DT46(5552500), DTB01(5552000), DTD02(551700), DTG02(5550500), DTK04(5548280)
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