Fox River Watershed Investigation - Publication Details

Effects of Channel Dams on Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Northeastern Illinois Streams

Butt, T.A., and R.L. Evans, 1978, ISWS Circular 132

Report Type: fulltext    Format: Paper Copy    

This study was performed for the NIPC to provide data for input into a comprehensive water quality model being developed for NIPC in conjuction with their Areawide Waste Treatment Management Study. Their study is being conducted under the guidelines in Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. The State Water Survey participated in this study by collecting field data relative to 1) sediment oxygen demand and 2) the effects of channel dams on dissolved oxygen. The channel dam phase of the work was secondary to that of the SOD study and was performed at a rate dependent upon the availability of personnel. Neither time, money, nor personnel were available to develop and employ a thorough in-depth study. However, the study was designed to produce a maximum amount of data of sufficient quality to be utilized with confidence in a general water quality model.

Data Record Period: 1976-1976
Data Record Notes: 1976

Model Name: Dam aeration model

Model Types: Water Quality

Data Sources: ISWS

Features: River/Stream

Parameters: DO; Temperature