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- 61 An inventory and evaluation of biological investigations that relate to stream-water quality in the upper Illinois River Basin of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
- Online USGS report abstract
- Steffeck, D.W., and R.G. Striegl, 1989 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 89-4041
- 62 An investigation of historical temperature and precipitation data at climate benchmark stations in Illinois
- Changnon, Stanley A., Jr., Derek Winstanley, and Kenneth E. Kunkel, 1997 ISWS C-184
- 63 Arsenic in groundwater in central Illinois.
- Kelly, Walt R., 2005 ISWS IEM 2005-02
- 64 Assessment of eighteen public ground-water supplies in Illinois
- Wehrmann, H. Allen, Adrian P. Visocky, Charles B. Burris, Robert W. Ringler, and Ross D. Brower, 1980 ISWS CR-237
- 65 Availability and suitability of municipal wastewater information for use in a national water-quality assessment: A case study of the upper Illinois River Basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
- Online abstract of US Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-375
- Zogorski, J.S., S.F. Blanchard, R.D. Romack, and F.A. Fitzpatrick., 1990 U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-375
- 66 Basinwide flow and aquatic habitat assessment model for the Middle Fork and Salt Fork of the Vermilion River, Wabash Basin
- Singh, Krishan P., Sally McConkey Broeren, Robin B. King, and Michael L. Pubentz, 1987 ISWS CR-428
- 67 Concentration and genera of algae in selected Illinois streams, 1971-1973
- Lin, Shun Dar, Ralph L. Evans, and Davis B. Beuscher, 1975 ISWS RI-80
- 68 Creating a Multi-state Database from Well Construction Records: Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
- Online USGS conference proceeding abstract
- Arnold, T.L. and K.L. Warner, 2001 2001 Assoc of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference
- 69 Development of an Observation Well Network in the Mahomet Aquifer of East-central Illinois
- Burch, Stephen L., 2008 ISWS DCS 2008-01
- 70 Effects of Land Use on Recharge Potential of Surficial and Shallow Bedrock Aquifers in the Upper Illinois River Basin
- Online USGS report
- Arnold, T.L., and M.J. Friedel, 2000 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4027
- 71 Embarras River Watershed Digital Floodplain Mapping, Champaign County, Illinois
- McConkey, Sally A., Mark D. Johanson, 2002 ISWS CR 2002-05
- 72 Environmental Setting of the Upper Illinois River Basin and Implications for Water Quality
- Online report published by the US Geological Survey
- Arnold, T.L., D.J. Sullivan, M.A. Harris, F.A. Fitzpatrick, B.C. Scudder, P.M. Ruhl, D.W. Hanchar, and J.S. Stewart, 1999 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4268
- 73 Fate of Arsenic in the Mahomet Aquifer: The Influence of Added Sulfate and Nitrate
- Sanford, Robert, Theodore Flynn, Thomas Holm, Walton Kelly, 2009 ISWS CR 2009-01
- 74 Future water demands of public surface water supply systems in Illinois
- Singh, Krishan P., Sally McConkey Broeren, Robin B. King, and Michael L. Pubentz, 1988 ISWS CR-442
- 75 Geologic, geophysical, and hydrologic investigations for a supplemental municipal groundwater supply, Danville, Illinois
- Larson, David R., John P. Kempton, and Scott C. Meyer, 1997 ISWS COOP-18
- 76 Geology, hydrology, and water quality of the Cambrian and Ordovician systems in northern Illinois
- Visocky, Adrian P., Marvin G. Sherrill, and Keros Cartwright, 1985 ISWS COOP-10
- 77 Groundwater resources of the buried Mahomet Bedrock Valley
- Visocky, Adrian P., and Richard J. Schicht, 1969 ISWS RI-62
- 78 History of drainage channel improvement in the Vermilion River Watershed, Wabash Basin
- Hay, Ralph C., and John B. Stall, 1974 ISWS CR-162
- 79 Hydraulic geometry of Illinois streams
- Stall, John B., and Yu-Si Fok, 1968 ISWS CR-92
- 80 Hydrogeologic evaluation of sand and gravel aquifers for municipal groundwater supplies in east-central Illinois
- Kempton, John P., Walter J. Morse, and Adrian P. Visocky, 1982 ISWS COOP-8
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