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- 61 7-day 10-year low flows of streams in the Rock, Spoon, La Moine, and Kaskaskia regions
- Singh, Krishan P., Ganapathi S. Ramamurthy, and Il Won Seo, 1988 ISWS CR-440
- 62 A Comparison of Potentiometric Surfaces for the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifers of Northeastern Illinois, 2000 and 2007
- Burch, Stephen L., 2008 ISWS DCS 2008-04
- 63 Adequacy of Illinois surface water supply systems to meet future demands
- McConkey Broeren, Sally, and Krishan P. Singh, 1989 ISWS CR-477
- 64 An inventory and evaluation of biological investigations that relate to stream-water quality in the upper Illinois River Basin of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
- Online USGS report abstract
- Steffeck, D.W., and R.G. Striegl, 1989 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 89-4041
- 65 Availability and suitability of municipal wastewater information for use in a national water-quality assessment: A case study of the upper Illinois River Basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
- Online abstract of US Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-375
- Zogorski, J.S., S.F. Blanchard, R.D. Romack, and F.A. Fitzpatrick., 1990 U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-375
- 66 CMAP Water Resources Planning
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) water resources planning website.
- Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC), 2000 Short report detailing all water quality activites within the six-county metropolitian Chicago area.
- 67 Creating a Multi-state Database from Well Construction Records: Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin
- Online USGS conference proceeding abstract
- Arnold, T.L. and K.L. Warner, 2001 2001 Assoc of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers Annual Meeting and Conference
- 68 Effects of Land Use on Recharge Potential of Surficial and Shallow Bedrock Aquifers in the Upper Illinois River Basin
- Online USGS report
- Arnold, T.L., and M.J. Friedel, 2000 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4027
- 69 Environmental Setting of the Upper Illinois River Basin and Implications for Water Quality
- Online report published by the US Geological Survey
- Arnold, T.L., D.J. Sullivan, M.A. Harris, F.A. Fitzpatrick, B.C. Scudder, P.M. Ruhl, D.W. Hanchar, and J.S. Stewart, 1999 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4268
- 70 Floodplain considerations in site evaluation for the superconducting super collider in northeastern Illinois
- Bender, G. Michael, 1989 ISWS CR-475
- 71 Fox River Basin streamflow assessment model: hydrologic analysis
- Knapp, H. Vernon, 1988 ISWS CR-454
- 72 Fox River Watershed Investigation, Stratton Dam to the Illinois River: Water Quality Issues and Data Report to the Fox River Study Group, Inc.
- McConkey, Sally, Alena Bartosova, Lian-Shin Lin, Karla Andrew, Michael Machesky, Chris Jennings, 2004 ISWS CR 2004-06
- 73 Fox River Watershed Investigation: Stratton Dam to the Illinois River, Phase II, Analyses of Biological Data
- Bartosova, Alena, 2008 ISWS CR 2008-09
- 74 Fox River Watershed Investigation: Stratton Dam to the Illinois River, Phase II: Blackberry Creek and Poplar Creek Hydrologic and Water Quality Simulation Methods: Executive Summary
- Bartosova, Alena, Sally McConkey, Mustafa Rahim, Jaswinder Singh., 2007 ISWS CR 2007-05
- 75 Fox River Watershed Investigation: Stratton Dam to the Illinois River, Phase II: Hydrologic and Water Quality Simulation Models, Part 2: Blackberry and Poplar Creek HSPF Models, Calibration and Initial Simulation Results
- Bartosova, Alena, Jaswinder Singh, Mustafa Rahim, Sally McConkey., 2007 ISWS CR 2007-04
- 76 Fox River Watershed Investigation: Stratton Dam to the Illinois River, Phase II: Hydrologic and Water Quality Simulation Models, Part 3: Validation of Hydrologic Model Parameters, Brewster Creek, Ferson Creek, Flint Creek, Mill Creek, and Tyler Creek Watersheds
- Bartosova, Alena, Jaswinder Singh, Mustafa Rahim, Sally McConkey, 2007 ISWS CR 2007-07
- 77 Fox River Watershed Investigation: Stratton Dam to the Illinois River: Phase II, Hydrologic and Water Quality Simulation Models, Part 1: Methodology and Procedures for Development of HSPF Models
- Singh, Jaswinder, Alena Bartosova, Mustafa Rahim, Sally McConkey., 2007 ISWS CR 2007-02
- 78 Geology, hydrology, and water quality of the Cambrian and Ordovician systems in northern Illinois
- Visocky, Adrian P., Marvin G. Sherrill, and Keros Cartwright, 1985 ISWS COOP-10
- 79 Ground-water investigations for siting the Superconducting Super Collider in northeastern Illinois
- Visocky, Adrian P., and Marcia K. Schulmeister, 1988 ISWS C-170
- 80 Groundwater pumpage in northern Illinois, 1960-1970
- Sasman, Robert T., Curtis R. Benson, Gregory L. Dzurisin, and N.E. Risk, 1974 ISWS RI-73
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